Ganapati, also known as Ganesa, is the commonly recognized elephant headed baby from Hinduism. The moon cycle today begins the celebration of this beloved and adorable (which my teacher described as being worthy of adoration) Hindu god.
Ganapati is a presence to connect to at the beginning of any endeavor, as it is said to be a blessing for studies and wishes. It's another way of invoking a deeper awareness in order to grow in mindful action.
After all, the teachings of yoga are ultimately about freeing ourself from suffering. And in order to do that we have be aware of the actions we make and have the mindfulness to make changes when necessary.
There is a Ganesa mantra that you can practice, for those who would want to practice it, that I am happy to share with you - just send me a message!

Every body part of Ganesa has something to teach, the represent....
Ears: importance of listening to absorb the teachings
Eyes: not blindly following what you see (rather, what you see and hear reflect each other)
Mouth: less is more, actions speak louder than words
Head: the center of wisdom
Legs: a balance between both social and spiritual stages of life
Belly: to digest both likes and dislikes of experiences
Trunk: the balance between knowledge and its implementation in life
Four arms: the four parts of the mind (intellect, memory, sense of identity, cosmic intelligence)
Blessing hand: we show guidance to those we meet along the path
For those who celebrate, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!